Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Games We Play

during exams, the MCQ exams, i use to play like mind games with myself, cuz i found that exams were just too boring..this of course was when i was young..like, standard something young..anyway, yea i use to look at the answer sheet as a race or a competition where there is 4 competitors..A,B,C,D..so my game was to see which of the competitors got shaded the most, and my favourite was always C..go figure..so yea, also i would see what is the last answer would be, so it would be like the finish line..BUT of course u would think, then might as well i shade in the 1st and last answer to noe who won rite? well, yea, but it wouldnt be fun anymore..

i actually remember waiting in anticipation to find out who won, cuz sometimes when i dont noe wat to answer, i would count the answers, to see the current status, or to see who was "in the lead" so yea, if it was B-14 n C-13, i would be like damn excited! haha..anyway, i would say this experience has actually trained me to be objective..cuz i could have shaded in all the C's and would have won, but i didnt, cuz i wanted to get it all right..haha..but yea, even when it came to answers that i wasnt sure, i would still choose between the 2 answers i thought was closer to being right then playing my game..but yea, i mean, if u noe me well enough, i hate books, and studies..esp when i was younger..exams wasnt my greatest joy also..so yea, i created the game to keep me occupied..also created a "stock market" story cuz d race also got a little boring after awhile..so yea..haha..

how d story worked is i use to choose a country (yea, i didnt noe much about the stock markets or the economy), usually a south american country, and then envision the answer sheet as those stock charts u see..haha..anyway yea..cuz the questions are clumped into 5's, so yea every 5 questions were a day..so yea, this is a little more complicated, cuz now A,B,C,D all had values now, but d values depended on where u started..for example, if i started d 1st question with a B, then my 5th question was C, that means i went up by 1..(consider it as like 1 point in the stock market) so yea, if i started off with a A, then ended with a D, that is d biggest margine the country can gain from, which would be 3..so yea, it would take 5 for me to "overtake" England and 10 for me to "overtake" US and be the richest country in the world..(in my own little world of course) but yea, this game really helped me with me geography, as i use to be like a commentator in my head, saying things like, "and the argenitian Peso has risen by 2 points and has now overtaken Great Brittain!" so yea, learnt, or tried to learn, what each country calls it's money, like the US is dollar, and England is Pound..but yea..also learnt my countries and also d capitals! haha..o, btw, if just say i started with a D, it would really suck, cuz there is no way of gaining points, the best i could get would be a draw, that is if it lets..so yea, it would fluctuate up and down, kinda like the real stock market, no?

but yea, from that experience, i also learnt that most of the MCQ answers are B! haha..but yea, now i look back its like, "hmm, got a good imagination (says it like spongebob with my hands waving to form a rainbow..haha, ben noes wat im talking about)..maybe i should do some writting of a story or work in showbiz"haha but yea, dont think i will..psych's my thing..


1 comment:

Josef said...

BRILLIANT post, rated 5 stars by