Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dark Knight

k, watched d movie for d 2nd time, and yea, it actually is a good movie, so yea, i take back my comments on it..

k la, wat i really loved about d movie is actually d batman..they managed to capture his character REALLY the end, he said "let me be d fall guy", i was soo impressed by the movie..thats how we should be.. when we do things, whether it is worship leading or just setting the chairs, its a job that just needs to be done..its not about the credit that u get for doing the thing, but it should be d importance of the thing..

the problem with us is that we want to get recognition for doing things..(well, some of us, if u dont think this is true) which is nothing wrong, but it shouldnt be d way u act by this the reason we do community service, or "good things" shouldnt be that u want to get into heaven, but it should be that u are showing gratitude to God for His mercy..when we do stuff, we should just do it cuz it needs to be done, instead of doing it to get something in return..if we get it, it should be a bonus..(this is like small stuff or really really important or big stuff, not talking about work, where u need to be paid rite?)

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