Thursday, July 24, 2008

Being a Shoppaholic

haha..yea..imagine, i like spent TOOOOO MUCH MONEY YESTERDAY..(haha, tnx chris, im now also always trying to save money like u..)

so yea, here is all d stuf i bought yesterday..
k, d black sticks, 33, d normal pair, 40, d drum pad 95, and d drum key was 12..finally, not in d pic was d ticket to the drum workshop, which was the grand total i spent just yesterday was.....215!! i think..(didnt use a calculator, so haha..plz double check)k, so since no ticket to show in d pic, i took photos during d show..

Side view of the drum set..^

haha, sorry about the was quite loud, so d sound got a bit distorted..

Front view n that was how close we were to d stage..2nd row!..^

Simon Phillips!..haha, k, i never heard of him, but he is a pro drummer..^

Simon Phillips teaching some warm ups..^

quite a col effect? seems like everything around is like moving except d drums..^

So yea..haha..btw, try to guess his age..1 of d questions that was asked was, how do i become as good as a drummer as u? n he said, well, if u had 47 years of playing.....

i was like, WTC??!! thought he was i asked my friend beside me his age, n d guy in front of me over heard me, n he said, 51..???!!!!! WTCCC???!!!!! that guy?! torn jeans and a t-shirt???!!!

anyway, like in d vids above, those are the stuff i learnt..haha..i think im a simon phillips fan now..haha..(btw, d ticket was totally worth it)


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