Monday, August 31, 2009

Merdeka Day..

I just realised that this is my first Merdeka Day I'm spending outside of Malaysia..So yes, i decided to take some time off just to share and to remember Malaysia and also be thankful for our independence..

K, to those who don't noe what is Merdeka Day, it is Malaysia's Independence Day..31 August 1957..and yes, i noe quite a number of people think Malaysia is screwed up (and i might be one of them..MIGHT), but it is still home and we should still be glad that we've acheived our independence..

I mean, think about it, I live in a country where you learn 2 languages (other than your mother tongue) which is pretty cool..and for ppl like me, who don't speak my mother tongue, at least i have another language to communicate in..other than that, malaysia is multicultural, where me, being an indian guy, manage to hang around and even be merged in the chinese culture, which is pretty also happy for the fact that Malaysia was colonized by the British, because now i have soccer to look forward to..

if u really think about it, there is a lot of things to be thankful for being in Malaysia, which i feel sometimes we do take for granted..of course im not saying that if u feel that you have been mistreated by the system or by certain ppl that u should ignore your feelings (if u get what i mean)..what im trying to say is to love the country, the people but not certain actions and decisions that have been taken (im not spesifically refering to anything) yes, to all Malaysians reading this, Happy Merdeka Day..

Cheers and God Bless


Unknown said...

e·merge (-mûrj)
intr.v. e·merged, e·merg·ing, e·merg·es
1. To rise from or as if from immersion: Sea mammals must emerge periodically to breathe.
2. To come forth from obscurity: new leaders who may emerge.
3. To become evident: The truth emerged at the inquest.
4. To come into existence. See Synonyms at appear.

I think you meant:

merge (mûrj)
v. merged, merg·ing, merg·es
1. To cause to be absorbed, especially in gradual stages.
2. To combine or unite: merging two sets of data.
1. To blend together, especially in gradual stages.
2. To become combined or united. See Synonyms at mix.

DaMan said...

rite..haha..tnx james..and yea, my posts are full of wrong words and spelling..but yea, as long as the point gets across im happy..