Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Something that we can all do without rite?( no pun intended) like seriously..this is from more of a leadership role or an organizing role, where there is no point in having people or positions of no use, because then it leaves u wondering, "what the heck is that person doing?" this goes especially for assistants or vices or 2nd in command people..not saying that all these ppl are useless, they are most definitely not! But when forming a committee or an organization, one MUST look at the purpose of each and every role given..IF u think about everything that each role needs, and u find that there is no need for a vice, then by all means, dont include a vice..or even a treasurer, secretary or normal comm members..

also when doing work or doing stuff, one should look at the point of doing the work and also following all the steps..for example, u see all footballers on the same team kissing their rings before they enter the field, and u go up to one and ask them, "why do u do it?" if they reply, "i dunno..everyone else is doing it" then that is just 1 step that is just redundant..however it does not take up much resources (energy, time) so that is fine..BUT just say their ritual is to do 50 laps around the field before entering the it, then it really becomes extremely redundant..

IF u watched d vid, u will see that ppls lives are just repeated over and over and over i would say, what u can learn form d vid is that u should question what your doing, to make sure that it is of worth..being creations of God, we MUST use our time wisely rite? Of course im not suggesting u to think about every small thing that u do like picking up the spoon first before u pick up d fork or watever.. Im just saying just do a retrospect once in awhile and ask urself, "am i in a rut? Whatever im doing, can i not do this step? Why must i do it this way? is it worth my time?" and all those kinds of questions..

Being in an organizing role many times, i have seen ppl just do things as they were, because it was done that way, although it is totally redundant and a total waste of time and i REALLY cant stand it (however i will admit i do act without thinking myself)..mostly happens in BB, like how NCO's just pass put punishments to boys who dont polish their uniform parts..but dont ask themselves, "why am i punishing d boy? is the punishment working? what is d purpose of punishment?" and it also works for the followers too..


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