Coming from a country like malaysia, where apparently the migration rate to australia is 300,000 people a year (or possibly just the grand total), you've pretty much heard it all when it comes to this topic..for example, people in australia will be asking you, "so are you staying on over here?" and people in malaysia would be "you would be an idiot if you dont stay!"
I've also heard comments from the other side, where from australia you get "STAY IN YOUR OWN F***ING COUNTRY!", and "so when are you going back?" and from malaysia "people who migrate are cowards, because there is a reason why you were placed in this country!" and it does get annoying, because you pretty much just want to live you life without people judging you..however it does seem that is inevitable..what really saddens me is that, most of these comments (don't really hear the swearing ones from christians) and questions I get from churches and christians.
I do feel that we do have the wrong mindset when it comes to this matter, and i would be the first to admit I use to think like this..however as followers of Christ, we need to get one thing straight: "I am willing to serve." Notice the full-stop. It is not "I am willing to serve where I am comfortable." So who are we to say that God has not called you to serve in a more developed country? Having being on both sides of the border, I can see that even in a country like Australia, there is a need for service..for example, there are SOO many international students who are studying overseas who haven't heard the Word, or even those who have, there are many struggles that they go through, and all that is needed is just Godly presence. So yes, you might be thinking "oh, but the locals SHOULD be the ones to look out for these people" which is a justified reason, but honestly there is so much you can do and understand as a local, and of course not to mention the cultural difference. With that said, Im not saying that locals shouldn't reach out, just that it is justified when a person who chooses to stay back to serve.
With that said, I am not supporting the idea that EVERYONE who studies in a developed country SHOULD stay back, but to really understand the purpose of living on earth. We are here to serve God FULL-STOP. God does honour and bless the sacrifices that we are willing to make, which if you really think about it, is nothing compared to what He has done for us and will do for us when we decide to just serve Him.
Luke 9 23Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. 24For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. 25What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? 26If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.
Yes it is a struggle, and yes it is a big call, but there are needs to be met all over the world, so it's not just about staying back or going home, but going where the "harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." And yes, God will use you and your skills and gifts that He has given you, so again, it would be pointless if just say you are a drummer, and you decide to go to a country and serve amongst a society that already has 3 other drum teachers..
What im saying is referred to those who are ready to be on "solid food" (Hebrews 5:11-14), and if you are someone who is still new to the faith, then by all means, find a place that you can still grow and come to understand the Word of God..we are all at different seasons in our life, so what applies to one, does not apply to another..
Yea, thats all I have to say..about my decision, honestly I really would like to go back to Malaysia and serve the Lord there, as I do see there is a need for people of my skills, gifts and talents, but I am leaving it up to God about where He would like me to serve..
Cheers and God Bless
Yes it is a struggle, and yes it is a big call, but there are needs to be met all over the world, so it's not just about staying back or going home, but going where the "harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." And yes, God will use you and your skills and gifts that He has given you, so again, it would be pointless if just say you are a drummer, and you decide to go to a country and serve amongst a society that already has 3 other drum teachers..
What im saying is referred to those who are ready to be on "solid food" (Hebrews 5:11-14), and if you are someone who is still new to the faith, then by all means, find a place that you can still grow and come to understand the Word of God..we are all at different seasons in our life, so what applies to one, does not apply to another..
Yea, thats all I have to say..about my decision, honestly I really would like to go back to Malaysia and serve the Lord there, as I do see there is a need for people of my skills, gifts and talents, but I am leaving it up to God about where He would like me to serve..
Cheers and God Bless